Invited Faculty
  • Daniel Aletaha
    Medical Univ. of Vienna
  • Daniel Aletaha is Chair of Rheumatology and Head of the Division of Rheumatology at the Medical University of Vienna. Dr. Aletaha has received academic degrees from the Medical University in Vienna (MD), Duke University (MS), and Danube University (MBA), and had spent over two years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He is a dedicated scientist with broad interests in outcomes research, clinical trials, and translational research in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. He is author on more than 350 publications, and serves on the Editorial Board of several rheumatology specialty journals.
    Daniel Aletaha has been involved in several International Task Forces, and is lead author on the 2010 Classification Criteria for RA. He has served many years in the EULAR Counsil and is currently President of EULAR.
  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 17 09:00-10:00 Room Room1 Keynote Lecture 1 Navigating the expansive landscape of future therapy in rheumatoid arthritis