Invited Faculty
  • Sofia Ramiro
    Leiden Univ. Medical Center
  • Sofia Ramiro, MD, PhD, is a rheumatologist and a senior researcher at Leiden University Medical Center and Zuyderland Medical Center, the Netherlands. She graduated from Medical School at Nova Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal. She completed a Master’s in Epidemiology at Maastricht University and obtained her PhD on long-term outcomes in ankylosing spondylitis at the University of Amsterdam. She is a clinical epidemiologist focusing on outcomes research. Her main interests are axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), imaging and methodological and analytical aspects.
    Sofia Ramiro currently has an appointment at Nova Medical School in Lisbon as a Visiting Professor. Sofia Ramiro served as a Chair for EMEUNET, the Emerging EULAR Network, and also of Young Assessment of Spondyloarthritis international Society (ASAS). She was a member of the EULAR Scientific Committee for 2016-2020 and is currently a member of the ASAS Executive Committee. Sofia Ramiro has been involved in many EULAR taskforces for the elaboration of recommendations, namely management of axSpA, RA, psoriatic arthritis and imaging in vasculitis. Sofia Ramiro has authored more than 250 peer-reviewed manuscripts.
  • Date Time Room Session Title Lecture Title
    May 16 17:30-18:30 Room Room3 Evening Symposium 2 [Lilly] Advances in Axial Spondyloarthritis Treatment landscape for axial spondyloarthritis in 2024
    May 18 10:30-11:00 Room Room1 International Symposium 4_New Insights in Early Axial Spondyloarthritis ASAS consensus definition of early axial spondyloarthritis