About Seoul & Korea
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No. Subject Date
21[KCR 2024] 온라인 평점 안내2024.05.13
20[Newsletter Vol.17] Introduction to the Platinum Sponsor's Symposium!2024.05.07
19[Newsletter Vol.16] Last Chance for Regular Registration!2024.04.30
18[Newsletter Vol.15] Regular Registration D-5 (Due Date: Apr 30) - Introduction to the Diamond Sponsor's Luncheon Symposium!2024.04.25
17[Newsletter Vol.14] Regular Registration (Due Date: Apr 30) - Introduction to the Diamond Sponsor's Breakfast Symposium!2024.04.12
16[Newsletter Vol.13] Introducing the Joint Symposiums between Academic Societies in Korea!2024.04.03
15[KCR 2024] Announcing Travel Grant Awardees for the Late-breaking abstract submitters2024.03.27
14[KCR 2024] Gala Dinner 비용 별도 결제 안내(국내)2024.03.21
13[Newsletter Vol.12] Regular Registration (Due Date: Apr 30) - Scientific Program2024.03.15
12[KCR 2024] Announcing Travel Grant Awardees & Scholarship for Young Rheumatologist/Scientist2024.03.04
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